\begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{aho:75} Alfred~V. Aho and Margaret~J. Corasick. \newblock Efficient string matching: An aid to bibliographic search. \newblock {\em Communications of the ACM}, 18(6):333--340, June 1975. \bibitem{hanson:90} David~R. Hanson. \newblock Fast allocation and deallocation of memory based on object lifetimes. \newblock {\em Software -- Practice and Experience}, 20(1):5--12, January 1990. \bibitem{knuth:84} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock Literate programming. \newblock {\em The Computer Journal}, 27(2):97--111, May 1984. \bibitem{metafont:program} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock {\em {{\small\sf METAFONT:}} The Program}. \newblock Computers \& Typesetting. Addison-Wesley, 1986. \bibitem{tex:program} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock {\em {{\TeX}}: The Program}. \newblock Computers \& Typesetting. Addison-Wesley, 1986. \bibitem{texbook} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock {\em The {{\TeX}}book}. \newblock Computers \& Typesetting. Addison-Wesley, 1986. \bibitem{latex} Leslie Lamport. \newblock {\em {{\LaTeX:}} A Document Preparation System}. \newblock Addison-Wesley, 1986. \bibitem{levy:90} Silvio Levy and Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock {{\tt CWEB}} user manual: The {{\small CWEB}} system of structured documentation. \newblock Technical Report {\small STAN}-{\small CS}-83-977, Stanford University, October 1990. \newblock Available for anonymous ftp from {\tt labrea.stanford.edu} in directory {\tt pub/cweb}. \bibitem{noweb} Norman Ramsey. \newblock Literate-programming tools need not be complex. \newblock Submitted to IEEE Software, August 1992. \bibitem{funnelweb} Ross~N. Williams. \newblock {FunnelWeb} user's manual, May 1992. \newblock Available for anonymous ftp from {\tt sirius.itd.adelaide.edu.au} in directory {\tt pub/funnelweb}. \end{thebibliography}