local lpeg = require "lpeg" local util = require "digestif.util" local B, P, R, S = lpeg.B, lpeg.P, lpeg.R, lpeg.S local C, Cp, Ct, Cg = lpeg.C, lpeg.Cp, lpeg.Ct, lpeg.Cg local concat = table.concat local merge = util.merge local search, gobble_until, case_fold = util.search, util.gobble_until, util.case_fold local split, replace = util.split, util.replace local bibtex = {} local function ipairs_from(t, i) return ipairs(t), t, i - 1 end --* Parser local char = P(1) local at_sign = P"@" local newline = P"\n" local space = S" \r\n\t" local whitespace = space^0 local comment = P"%" * (1 - newline)^0 * newline local junk = (comment + 1 - at_sign)^0 local number = C(R"09"^1) * whitespace local name = C((R"az" + R"AZ" + R"09" + S"!$&*+-./:;<>?[]^_`|")^1) * whitespace local lbrace = P"{" * whitespace local rbrace = P"}" * whitespace local lparen = P"(" * whitespace local rparen = P")" * whitespace local equals = P"=" * whitespace local hash = P"#" * whitespace local comma = P"," * whitespace local lit_string = C(case_fold "string") * whitespace local lit_comment = C(case_fold "comment") * whitespace local lit_preamble = C(case_fold "preamble") * whitespace local Cstart = Cg(Cp(), "start") local Cstop = Cg(Cp(), "stop") local curly_braced_string = util.between_balanced("{", "}") local round_braced_string = util.between_balanced("(", ")") local braced_string = (curly_braced_string + round_braced_string) * whitespace local quoted_string = '"' * C(gobble_until('"')) * '"' * whitespace local simple_value = quoted_string + braced_string + number + Ct(name) local value = simple_value * (hash * simple_value)^0 local field = Ct(name * equals * value) + whitespace local fields = field * (comma * field)^0 local token = curly_braced_string/0 + char local nonspace = token - space local author_sep = space * "and" * space -- either curly or round braced local function braced(patt) return lbrace * patt * rbrace + lparen * patt * rparen end local string_entry = at_sign * lit_string * braced(fields) local comment_entry = at_sign * lit_comment * braced_string local preamble_entry = at_sign * lit_preamble * braced(value) local regular_entry = at_sign * name * braced(name * comma * fields) local entry = string_entry + comment_entry + preamble_entry + regular_entry -- this pattern produces the parse tree -- TODO: catch premature end on invalid entry local all_entries = Ct((junk * Ct(Cstart * entry * Cstop))^0) --* Translate parse tree -- BibItem class local BibItem = {} local mt = {__index = BibItem} setmetatable( BibItem, { __call = function(_,t) return setmetatable(t, mt) end }) -- replace user-defined strings and concatenate local function process_value(val, strings, i) i = i or 2 local t = {} for _, v in ipairs_from(val, i) do if type(v) == "table" then t[#t+1] = strings[v[1]] or "" else t[#t+1] = v end end return concat(t) end local default_options = { with_authors = true, with_title = true } --- Parse a bibtex file. function bibtex.parse(src, options) options = merge(default_options, options) local entries = all_entries:match(src) local strings = merge(options.strings) local preambles = {} local ids = {} local items = { strings = strings, preambles = preambles, ids = ids } for _, t in ipairs(entries) do local entry_type = t[1]:lower() if entry_type == "preamble" then preambles[#preambles + 1] = t[2] elseif entry_type == "string" then for _, u in ipairs_from(t, 2) do local key = u[1]:lower() local val = process_value(u, strings) strings[key] = val end elseif entry_type ~= "comment" then local id = t[2] local fields = {} -- luacheck: ignore fields for _, u in ipairs_from(t, 3) do local key = u[1]:lower() local val = process_value(u, strings) fields[key] = val end local item = BibItem { id = id, type = entry_type, fields = fields, pos = t.start, cont = t.stop } ids[id] = item items[#items + 1] = item end end return items end --* Deuglify strings local tex_symbols = { oe = "œ", OE = "Œ", ae = "ӕ", AE = "Ӕ", aa = "å", AA = "Å", ss = "ß", o = "ø", O = "Ø", l = "ł", L = "Ł", -- corner cases i = "{i}", -- not "ı" j = "j", -- not "ȷ" [" "] = " ", } local tex_accents = util.map( replace("◌", ""), { ['"'] = "◌̈", ["'"] = "◌́", ["."] = "◌̇", ["="] = "◌̄", ["^"] = "◌̂", ["`"] = "◌̀", ["~"] = "◌̃", ["c"] = "◌̧", ["d"] = "◌̣", ["H"] = "◌̋", ["u"] = "◌̆", ["b"] = "◌̱", ["v"] = "◌̌", ["t"] = "◌͡" } ) local tex_letter = (R"AZ" + R"az") local tex_char_or_math = "$" * gobble_until("$") * "$" + char -- for deuglification purposes local tex_cs_patt = "\\" * C(tex_letter^1 + char)* whitespace local tex_accent_patt = tex_cs_patt * (curly_braced_string + C(char)) local function repl_accents_fun(cs, arg) local acc = tex_accents[cs] if not acc then return -- must return 0 values! else return arg .. acc end end local detexify_symbols = replace(tex_cs_patt, tex_symbols, tex_char_or_math) local detexify_accents = replace(tex_accent_patt, repl_accents_fun, tex_char_or_math) local debracify = replace(curly_braced_string, 1, tex_char_or_math) local detitlify = replace(B(space) * C(tex_letter), string.lower, tex_char_or_math) local clean = util.clean(space) local function deuglify_name (s) return clean( debracify( detexify_accents( detexify_symbols(s)))) end local function deuglify_title (s) return clean( debracify( detitlify( detexify_accents( detexify_symbols(s))))) end --* Pretty-printing local split_authors = split(author_sep, token) local split_name = split(comma, token) local split_last = search(Cp() * C(nonspace^1) * whitespace * P(-1)) function BibItem:authors() local t = {} local authors = self.fields.author if not authors then return {} end for _, author in ipairs(split_authors(authors)) do local u = {} local parts = split_name(author) if #parts == 3 then u.first = parts[3] u.last = parts[1] u.suffix = parts[2] elseif #parts == 2 then u.first = parts[2] u.last = parts[1] else local p, l = split_last:match(author) if p then u.first = author:sub(1, p - 1) u.last = l else u.last = author end end t[#t + 1] = u end return t end function BibItem:pretty_print() local t, a = {}, {} for _, author in ipairs(self:authors()) do a[#a + 1] = deuglify_name(author.last) end t[#t + 1] = concat(a, ", ") t[#t + 1] = (self.fields.year or self.fields.date or "(n.d.)") .. ";" t[#t + 1] = deuglify_title(self.fields.title or "") return concat(t, " ") end return bibtex