@STRING{mlj..="MLJ"} @STRING{feer..="Far East Econ.\ Rev."} @STRING{jcps..="JCPS"} @STRING{sjls..="Singapore J.\ L.\ Stud."} @STRING{icj..="ICJ"} @STRING{jlp..="J.\ Legal Pluralism"} @incollection{harding-singapore-prevent, crossref = {harding-prevent}, author = {Andrew J Harding}, title = {Singapore}, chapter = {Chapter 11} } @incollection{tan-parliament, crossref = {woon-sing-legal}, author = {Kevin Tan}, title = {Parliament and the Making of Law in Singapore}, chapter = {Chapter 2} } @incollection{tan-short, crossref = {woon-sing-legal}, author = {Kevin Tan}, title = {A Short Legal and Constitutional History of Singapore}, chapter = {Chapter 1} } @incollection{tynne-admin-state, crossref = {woon-sing-legal}, author = {I Thynne}, title = {The Administrative State}, chapter = {Chapter 3} } @incollection{bartholomew-englaw, author = {G W Bartholomew}, title = {English Law in Partibus Orientalium}, chapter = {Chapter 1}, crossref = {harding-common-law} } @article{batterman-sing-news, author = {N Batterman}, title = {Singapore's Newspaper and Printing Presses (Amendment) Act 1986: A Bad News Bear?}, journal = {Lawasia}, year = {1987}, pages = {35} } @case{chngsuantzevminister, title = {Chng Suan Tze v Minister for Home Affairs}, journal = mlj.., year = {1989}, number = {1}, pages = {69}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @statute{constamend-1989, title = {Constitution (Amendment) Act}, year = {1989}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @statute{constamend-n19, title = {Constitution (Amendment) Act}, year = 1969, number = 19, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @article{disc-democracy, title = {Discipline vs Democracy}, journal = feer.., year = {10 dec 1992} } @book{harding-common-law, title = {The Common Law in Singapore and Malaysia}, booktitle = {The Common Law in Singapore and Malaysia}, year = 1985 , editor = {A J Harding} } @article{harding-const-proc, author = {Andrew J Harding}, title = {Constitutional Protection of Minorities in Singapore}, journal = jcps.., year = {1990}, pages = {1} } @book{harding-prevent, title = {Preventive Detention and Security Law: a Comparative Survey}, booktitle = {Preventive Detention and Security Law: a Comparative Survey}, year = {1993}, editor = {Andrew J Harding}, publisher = {Martinus Nijhoff} } @booklet{intelligent-island, title = {Horizon: The Intelligent Island}, year = {4 apr 1990}, howpublished = {BBC Television broadcast} } @statute{internal-security-act, title = {Internal Security Act}, journal = {Revised Edition of the Laws}, year = 1985, number = {Cap 143}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @statute{intl-sec-amend-1989, title = {Internal Security (Amendment) Act}, year = {1989}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @case{jeyaretnam-v-law-soc-sing, title = {Jeyaretnam v Law Society of Singapore}, journal = mlj.., year = {1988}, number = {3}, pages = {425}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @case{lee-mau-seng-v-min, title = {Lee Mau Seng v Minister for Home Affairs}, journal = mlj.., year = {1971}, number = {2}, pages = {137}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @statute{m-const-amend-1991, title = {Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Amendment) Act}, year = 1991, number = 5 , jurisdiction = {singapore} } @book{m-const-commn-rept, title = {Constitutional Commission Report}, year = 1966 } @statute{maint-of-relig-harmony-act, title = {Maintenance of Religious Harmony Act}, year = {1990}, number = {26}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @statute{newsp-printing-presses-amd-act, title = {Newspaper and Printing Presses (Amendment) Act}, year = {1986}, number = {22}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @book{phang-development, author = {A B L Phang}, title = {The Development of Singapore Law: A Historical and Socio-Legal Perspective}, year = 1990 } @case{re-dow-jones-asia, title = {Re Dow Jones (Asia) Inc}, journal = mlj.., year = {1988}, number = {2}, pages = {414}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @book{ricjs-1987, author = icj.., title = {Report of the International Commission of Jurists to Singapore}, year = {1987} } @statute{s-const, title = {Constitution of Singapore}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @statute{s-constamend-n9, title = {Constitution of the Republic of Singapore (Amendment) Act}, year = 1988, number = {9}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @case{sin-boon-ann-chingvminister, title = {Ching Suan Tze v Minister of Home Affairs}, journal = mlj.., year = {1989}, number = {2}, pages = {ci}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @case{teo-soh-lung-v-min, title = {Teo Soh Lung v Min of Home Affairs}, journal = mlj.., year = {1989}, number = {2}, pages = {449}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @case{vincent-cheng-v-min, title = {Vincent Cheng v Min of Home Affairs}, journal = mlj.., year = {1990}, number = {1}, pages = {449}, jurisdiction = {singapore} } @article{woodman-allotrev, author = {Gordon Woodman}, title = {Review Essay - the Limits of The Limits of Law: a Review of Antony Allott, The Limits of Law (1980)}, journal = jlp.., year = 1983, volume = {21}, pages = {129} } @article{woodman-allottrev-reply, author = {Gordon Woodman}, title = {Reply to Woodman}, journal = jlp.., year = 1983, volume = {21}, pages = {147} } @book{woon-sing-legal, title = {The Singapore Legal System}, booktitle = {The Singapore Legal System}, year = 1990 , editor = {W Woon} } @article{tan-constamend-note, author = {Kevin Tan}, title = {Note}, journal = sjls.., year = 1991 , pages = 179 }