\input docstrip \keepsilent \preamble ------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright 2008--2010, Daniel H. Luecking Minifp may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3b of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2008/12/01 or later. Minifp has maintenance status "author-maintained". The Current Maintainer is Daniel H. Luecking. The Base Interpreters associated with minifp are plain TeX and LaTeX. \endpreamble \askforoverwritefalse \generate{% \file{minifp.sty}{\from{minifp.dtx}{sty}}% \file{mfpextra.tex}{\from{minifp.dtx}{extra}}% } \def\sps{\space\space\space\space} \def\sJ{^^J\sps} \immediate\write16{% ^^J******************************************************************* ^^J ^^J To finish the installation: ^^J ^^J -- Copy the file minifp.sty to a location where TeX and LaTeX \sJ will find them. For example, in a TDS compliant system, \sJ the directory TEXMF/tex/generic/minifp/ ^^J ^^J -- To obtain the documentation (minifp.pdf) if not provided, run \sJ\sps pdflatex minifp.dtx \sJ\sps pdflatex minifp.dtx \sJ\sps pdflatex minifp.dtx \sJ\sps makeindex -s gind.ist minifp.idx \sJ\sps pdflatex minifp.dtx \sJ and copy minifp.pdf and README wherever you keep documentation \sJ (for example, TEXMF/doc/generic/minifp/). ^^J ^^J -- Refresh the filename database if your TeX system requires it. ^^J ^^J*******************************************************************} \endbatchfile