%%% ==================================================================== %%% @LaTeX3-style{ LaTeX3-LTX-MS-002, %%% filename = "l3ms002.cls", %%% archived = "ctan:/tex-archive/info/ltx3pub/", %%% doc-group = "Documentation styles", %%% title = "Document class for contributed documents", %%% version = "1.07", %%% date = "08 December 1994", %%% time = "16:45:48 GMT", %%% status = "public, preliminary", %%% project-address = "LaTeX3 Project \\ %%% c/o Dr. Chris Rowley \\ %%% The Open University \\ %%% Parsifal College \\ %%% Finchley Road \\ %%% London NW3 7BG, UK", %%% project-tel = "+44 171 794 0575", %%% project-FAX = "+44 171 433 6196", %%% project-email = "LTX3-Mgr@SHSU.edu", %%% copyright = "Copyright (C) 1993 LaTeX3 Project. %%% All rights reserved. %%% %%% Permission is granted to make and distribute %%% verbatim copies of this style file. %%% %%% No other permissions to copy or distribute %%% this style in any form are granted.", %%% %%% generalinfo = "To subscribe to the LaTeX3 discussion list: %%% %%% Send mail to listserv@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de %%% with the following line as the body of the %%% message (substituting your own name): %%% %%% subscribe LaTeX-L First-name Surname %%% %%% To find out about volunteer work: %%% %%% look at the document vol-task.tex which can %%% be obtained electronically, see below. %%% %%% To retrieve project publications electronically: %%% %%% Project publications are available for %%% retrieval by anonymous ftp from ctan hosts: %%% ftp.tex.ac.uk %%% ftp.dante.de %%% ftp.shsu.edu %%% in the directory /tex-archive/info/ltx3pub. %%% %%% The file ltx3pub.bib in that directory gives %%% full bibliographical information including %%% abstracts in BibTeX format. A brief history %%% of the project and a description of its aims %%% is contained in l3d001.tex. %%% %%% If you only have access to email, and not ftp %%% You may use the ftpmail service. %%% Send a message just containg the word %%% help %%% to ftpmail@ftp.shsu.edu %%% for more information about this service. %%% %%% For offers of financial contributions or %%% contributions of computing equipment or %%% software, contact the project at the above %%% address, or the TeX Users Group. %%% %%% For offers of technical assistance, contact the %%% project at the above address. %%% %%% For technical enquiries and suggestions, send %%% e-mail to the latex-l list or contact the %%% project at the above address.", %%% checksum = "24204 391 1168 12744", %%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %%% checksum as the first value, followed by the %%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %%% count) utility output of lines, words, and %%% characters. This is produced by Robert %%% Solovay's checksum utility.", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{l3ms002}[1994/09/27 LaTeX3 project class report] \DeclareOption{11pt} {\typeout{^^J*** Size option 11pt ignored ***^^J}} \DeclareOption{12pt} {\typeout{^^J*** Size option 12pt ignored ***^^J}} \DeclareOption*{% \PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{report}} \ProcessOptions \LoadClass{report} \listfiles % These need visual checking for A4 and US paper: CAR. \addtolength\topmargin{-1.5cm} \setlength\textheight{51\baselineskip} \addtolength\textheight{\topskip} % Horizontal placement may also need adjustment to look OK on A4 also, % (not forgetting space for Chris' marginals on the right): CAR. \addtolength\textwidth{1cm} \addtolength\oddsidemargin{-1.5cm} \let\pagestyle\@gobble \let\thispagestyle\@gobble \newcommand\HeaderFont{\fontfamily{cmss}\small} \newcommand\FooterHeadFont{\fontfamily{cmss}\selectfont} \newcommand\FooterFont{\small} \newcommand\DocDetailsFont{\normalsize} \newcommand\GenInfoFont{\small} \def\ps@latexthree{% \def\@oddhead{% \parbox\textwidth{% \def\FHnewline {\space\ignorespaces}% \hbox to\textwidth{\HeaderFont \LaTeX3 Project Document: \FHuse{status}\hfil \thepage}% \vskip4pt \hrule}}% % \let\@evenhead=\@oddhead % \def\@oddfoot{% \parbox[t]\textwidth{% \def\FHnewline {\space\ignorespaces}% \FooterFont \hrule \vskip 2mm \hbox to\textwidth{{\FooterHeadFont Title:} \FHuse{title}\quad \hfil {\FooterHeadFont Version:} \FHuse{version}}% \hbox to\textwidth{{\FooterHeadFont Author:} \FHuse{author}\quad \hfil}}}% % \let\@evenfoot=\@oddfoot \headheight 16pt \footskip \baselineskip } % ***************** % Cover page stuff: % ***************** \def \FHmissing {$*$To be supplied by \LaTeX3 project$*$} \catcode`\-=11 \let \FHcopyyear \FHmissing \let \FHcopyright \FHmissing \let \FHcopyleft \FHmissing \def \FHproject-email {LTX3-Mgr@SHSU.edu} \def \FHproject-FAX {+44 171 433 6196} \def \FHproject-tel {+44 171 794 0575} \def \FHproject-address {\LaTeX3 Project \\ c/o Dr. Chris Rowley \\ The Open University \\ Parsifal College \\ Finchley Road \\ London NW3 7BG, England, UK} \def \FHkeywords {} \def \FHauthor-address {} \def \FHauthor-email {} \let \FHstatus \FHmissing \let \FHtime \FHmissing \let \FHdate \FHmissing \let \FHversion \FHmissing \let \FHtitle \FHmissing \def \FHabstract {} \let \FHdoc-group \FHmissing \let \FHauthor \FHmissing \let \FHarchived \FHmissing \let \FHfilename \FHmissing \catcode`\-=12 % Needs changing so that it will not crash if there is no header % or even no checksum entry: CAR. {\obeylines% \long\gdef\FHfield#1 #2 = "#3"#4,{% \global\@namedef{FH#2}{#3}% \def\temp{#2}\ifx\temp\chksum\else\expandafter\FHfield\fi}% % def of ^^M needs to be local! FMi \gdef\FHuse#1{{\obeylines\def^^M{\FHnewline}\csname FH#1\endcsname}}% }% \def \FHnewline{ \ignorespaces} \def\chksum{checksum} \@namedef{LaTeX3-report}{% \catcode`\@=12 \catcode`\-=12 \catcode`\3=12 \FHparse} \long\def\FHparse#1{\FHfield#1\endinput} \begingroup \let\input=\@@input \catcode`\%=9 \catcode`\-=11 \catcode`\3=11 \catcode`\@=0 \setbox0=\hbox{\obeylines \input \jobname.tex } \endgroup \def\parse@copyright#1(C) #2 #3Project#4All rights reserved.#5\@nil {\def\FHcopyyear{#2}% \def\FHcopyright{#4}% \def\FHcopyleft{#5}} \ifx\FHcopyright\FHmissing \else \expandafter\parse@copyright\FHcopyright\@nil \fi \AtBeginDocument{\set@first@page\ps@latexthree} \newdimen \widewidth \setlength\widewidth{1.4\textwidth} \def\set@first@page{% \ps@empty \begin{titlepage} \emergencystretch=2cm \moveleft 1.5cm \hbox to \textwidth \bgroup \vbox \bgroup \def\and{and }% \vskip -2cm \hbox to \widewidth{\sf \LaTeX3 Project Document: \FHstatus\quad \hfil Cover Sheet} \vskip 4pt \hrule \vskip 12pt \def\FHnewline {\space\ignorespaces}% \noindent \copyright\ \FHuse{copyyear} \LaTeX3 Project\FHuse{copyright} All rights reserved.\\[3pt] \small \FHuse{copyleft} \vskip 6pt \hrule \vskip 12pt \hbox to \widewidth \bgroup \large \sf \parbox{0.65\textwidth}{File Information}% \hfill \parbox{0.70\textwidth}{General Information}% \egroup \vskip 12pt \hbox to \widewidth \bgroup \begin{minipage}[t]{0.65\textwidth} \DocDetailsFont \let \FHnewline \\ \begin{description} \raggedright \let \\\@empty % suppress \\ in bib entries \item[Filename:] \FHuse{filename} \item[Archived at:] \FHuse{archived} \item[Author:] \FHuse{author}% \expandafter\ifx\csname FHauthor-address\endcsname\@empty \else \FHnewline \FHuse{author-address}\fi \expandafter\ifx\csname FHauthor-email\endcsname\@empty \else \FHnewline[3mm] \FHuse{author-email}\fi \item[Document group:] \FHuse{doc-group} \end{description} \vskip 3mm \begin{description} \raggedright \item[Title:] \FHuse{title} \item[Version:] \FHuse{version} \item[Date/Time:] \FHuse{date}/\FHuse{time} \item[Keywords:] \FHuse{keywords} \end{description} \noindent{\bf Abstract:} \def\FHnewline {\space\ignorespaces}% \small \raggedright \FHuse{abstract} \par \end{minipage} \hfil \begin{minipage}[t]{0.70\textwidth} \GenInfoFont \raggedright \begin{description} \item[The LaTeX3 Project:]\mbox{}\\ c/o Dr Chris Rowley \\ The Open University \\ Parsifal College \\ Finchley Road \\ London NW3 7BG, UK \item[Tel:] \mbox{+44 171 794 0575} \item[FAX:] \mbox{+44 171 433 6196} \item[E-mail:] \mbox{\tt LTX3-Mgr@SHSU.edu} \item[To subscribe to the \LaTeX3 discussion list:]\mbox{}\\ Send mail to \begin{quote} \mbox{\tt listserv@vm.urz.uni-heidelberg.de} \end{quote} with the following line as the body of the message (substituting your own name): \begin{quote} \mbox{\tt subscribe LaTeX-L First-name Surname} \end{quote} \item[To find out about volunteer work:]\mbox{}\\ look at the document in the file {\tt vol-task.tex}, which can be obtained electronically (see below). \item[To get project publications electronically:]\mbox{}\\ Project publications are available for anonymous ftp retrieval from ctan hosts ({\tt ftp.shsu.edu}, {\tt ftp.dante.de}, {\tt ftp.tex.ac.uk}) in the directory {\tt/tex-archive/info/ltx3pub}. The file {\tt ltx3pub.bib} in that directory gives full bibliographical information including abstracts in BibTeX format.\\ A brief history of the project and a description of its aims is contained in {\tt l3d001.tex}. You may use the ftpmail service to access these files by mail rather than ftp. Send a message just containg the word\\ {\tt help}\\ in a mail message to:\\ {\tt ftpmail@ftp.shsu.edu}\\ for more information about this service. \item[$\bullet$]For offers of financial contributions or contributions of computing equipment or software, contact the project at one of the above addresses, or the TeX Users Group. \item[$\bullet$]For offers of technical assistance, contact the project at one of the above addresses. \item[$\bullet$]For technical enquiries and suggestions, send e-mail to the {\tt LaTeX-L} list (see above) or contact the project by letter or FAX at the address above. \end{description} \end{minipage}% \egroup % end of inner \hbox \vskip 12pt \hrule \kern-30pt\kern\z@ \egroup % end of \vbox \hss \egroup % end of outer \hbox % Need to check that whole box is not to big for US page: not sure % what should be done if it is... CAR. \end{titlepage}} \endinput