Frank Pfenning <fp @ cs . cmu . edu> (email mangled to prevent spamming)
Department of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 USA
This is a bibliography on logical frameworks. I am including systems specifically designed as logical frameworks as well as individual experiments carried out in other systems which have a meta-logical character. General purpose theorem provers such as Coq, LEGO, Nqthm, NuPrl and others have been omitted in order to keep my task managable, except for a basic reference or two.
specification of deductive systems, search for derivations within deductive systems, meta-programming of algorithms pertaining to deductive systems, proving meta-theorems about deductive systems.
Author Comments:
This, like any bibliography, is incomplete. Any corrections, updates, comments, suggestion, new entries, new URL's for papers, etc. are very much appreciated. This bibliography is part of the home page for logical frameworks