Net::HTTPTunnel - Create sockets that are tunnels through an HTTP 1.1

    This is a module that creates sockets that are tunnels through an HTTP
    1.1 proxy that supports the SSL CONNECT method. For more information on
    this method, see "Tunneling TCP based protocols through Web proxy
    servers" by Ari Luotonen.

        use Net::HTTPTunnel;

        $ht = Net::HTTPTunnel->new( 'proxy-host' =>
                                    'proxy-port' => 80
                                    'remote-host' =>
                                    'remote-port' => 443 );

    If successful, $ht will be a socket that acts as if it is connected
    directly to remote-host:remote-port because all bits will be routed
    untouched through the proxy.

    The Net::HTTPTunnel constructor returns undef on an error.

    Most proxies limit CONNECT tunnels to those which have either 443 or 563
    as the destination port. If you are experiencing errors and are trying
    to connect to a port other than one of those two, it is likely you are
    running into such a problem. The only way around this (assuming you
    cannot control the proxy settings) is to set up a listener on the remote
    machine that you can then connect to any port through.

    Unfortunately, this tunneling method only works for tcp connections.
    There is no equivalent way of doing UDP connections. However, with a bit
    of ingenuity such a scheme can certainly be devised---imagine again the
    scenario of a TCP listener on the other end of the tunnel. One could
    wrap the UDP packets in TCP, transport them through the tunnel, and
    unwrap them at the other end with very little trouble.

    More information on the HTTP protocol and tunneling can be found in the
    Luotonen paper referenced above, as well as in RFCs 1945 and 2068.

    The only member function in Net::HTTPTunnel not inherited from
    IO::Socket::INET is the constructor new(). New takes the following
    name-value pairs of arguments:

    'remote-host' => '' [required] The system to which you want
    the tunnel to connect.

    'remote-port' => 563 [required] The port on that system. See note above
    about port number selection.

    'proxy-host' => '' [required] The proxy through which this
    connection will be made.

    'proxy-port' => 80 [required] The port on the proxy to which a
    connection should be made.

    'http-ver' => '1.1' [optional; default is 1.0] The version of HTTP
    reported in the CONNECT request. There is no reason to change this
    unless the proxy requires a different version.

    'proxy-user' => 'foo' [optional] The username to use for proxy
    authentication, if required.

    'proxy-pass' => 'bar' [optional] The password for proxy authentication,
    if required.

    'user-agent' => 'baz' [optional] The user-agent string to pass along to
    the HTTP proxy. If not specified, it will not be sent. If you are
    worried about being spotted as an abberation in the server logs, perhaps
    it is better to set this to something fairly tame like "Mozilla/4.0".

    If the connection is successful, a socket will be returned. On error,
    undef is returned instead.

    See SYNOPSIS, above.

    RFC 1945 --- "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0"

    RFC 2068 --- "Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1"

    "Tunneling TCP based protocols through Web proxy servers" --- Ari

    Copyright (C) 2001 Riad Wahby <> All rights reserved This
    program is free software. You may redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as Perl itself.

    0.1 Initial Release

    0.2 Fixed two bugs, one which included an additional carriage return
    with proxy authorization, and one which prevented the http-ver option
    from being recognized.

    0.3 Fixed the capitalization of the "Proxy-Authorization" header in case
    a fascist proxy did case-sensitive header matching. Also, fixed some
    mistakes in which \n\r was sent instead of \r\n.

    0.4 Fixed a bug that would cause an instance of the module to assume
    success on all subsequent connections once it had gotten its first
    successful connection.

    0.5 Changed the success test regexp so that "200 OK" is accepted as a
    successful reply from the proxy, since some report this instead of "200
    Connection established". Thanks to JoNO for pointing out this

    0.51 D'oh. Broken regexp.