           July 1999                          Petr Olsak

You can install the program using the following commands:

$ zcat xpexeso.tar.gz | tar xvf -
$ cd xpexeso
$ xmkmf
$ make depend; make
$ su
# make install

This way installs the program localized for Czech language. The data
files are installed in /usr/local/lib/xpexeso and the xpexeso binary
in /usr/local/bin. If you disagree with this policy, you have to edit
the Imakefile and config.h before xmkmf command.

The rules of this game are described in help instructions files, see
pexdoc-cz or pexdoc-eng.

The files pexset-eng or pexset-cz are important for program
functionality. They are text files with information where
data of pictures are stored. If you has no right for "make install" 
or you want only to try the program, you have to tell the program 
about the pexset-eng file location. For example, you can run the
program by the following way:

./xpexeso -set pexset-cz -doc pexdoc-cz

The files Xpexeso-cz and Xpexeso-eng include the default values of
attributes. You can change the "look" of the program by changing these
values. You need not install these files because these defaults are
compiled into program (see attribs-*.h files). If you want to change some
value, copy the Xpexeso-cz or Xpexeso-eng file into your home directory or
X11/lib/app-defaults and rename it to Xpexeso.

Possible problems

If some problem occurs, you can run the program with  -log -  option
and read the detail program output. The frequently problem may be with
reading the xpm files. The error with "XpmReadFile" code is reported
in such case. There are four different codes:

-1 ... The xpm file is unable to open. You can check the access
       permissions to the file and you can test if the gunzip program
       is installed correctly. All pictures data are distributed with
       gzip compression. If our system does not support it, you can
       gunzip all xpm files (may be on different OS) and edit the
       pexset-eng file (change the extension form ".xpm.gz" to ".xpm").
-2 ... The xpm file is corrupted.
-3 ... No more memory in X server. Stop some another programs or X
       sessions on another diplay number and try again.
-4 or 1 ... the Color problem. This error is possible on X servers
       with 8 bit color depth (256 colors only). You can try to quit
       some color expensive applications (Netscape, photo on desktop,
       ...) and try again. The default pic-set allocates only 23
       colors, but another pic-sets may allocate more colors. If you
       has switched between picture sets, colors may be exhausted.
       You can try to restart xpexeso and to switch to desired picture
       set only. The another solution of this problem is to buy the
       modern X server with more color depth.

The modifications of the program

You can insert his own picture set. Make 33 pictures (one for back
side) with the same pixel dimension (80x80 is recommended). Use the
minimal color palette due to problems with poor color X servers. Next
edit the pexset-eng file and try. The -log - parameter is recommended
while trying.

If you want to make the new language variant of the program, you need to
translate the following files:

attribs-eng.h  ... default values of attributes
Xpexeso-eng    ... the attrib file for users experiments
phrases-eng.h  ... the texts used by printf in program (you can use
                   catalogues from locales, but it is not necessary).
pexdoc-eng     ... the documentation and help information
INSTALL-eng    ... this file