%% %% Utilize comandos específicos para acentuar palavras em arquivos *.bib %% @article{greenwade93, author = {George D. Greenwade}, title = {The {C}omprehensive {T}ex {A}rchive {N}etwork ({CTAN})}, year = {1993}, journal = {TUGBoat}, volume = {14}, number = {3}, pages = {342--351}} @article{gigch86, author = {John P. van Gigch and Leo L. Pipino}, journal = {Future Computing Systems}, number = {1}, pages = {71-97}, title = {In search for a paradigm for the discipline of information systems}, volume = {1}, year = {1986}} @book{ibge1993, address = {Rio de Janeiro}, author = {IBGE}, edition = {3}, url = {https://biblioteca.ibge.gov.br/visualizacao/livros/liv23907.pdf}, urlaccessdate = {24 jan. 2019}, publisher = {Centro de Documenta{\c c}\~ao e Dissemina{\c c}\~ao de Informa{\c c}ões. Funda{\c c}\~ao Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estat{\'i}stica}, title = {Normas de apresenta{\c c}\~ao tabular}, year = {1993}} @book{schaum1956, address = {New York}, author = {D. 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Mielniczuk}, booktitle = {Resumos do [...]}, conference-number = {26}, conference-year = {1997}, conference-location = {Rio de Janeiro}, organization = {Congresso Brasileiro de Ci\^encia do Solo}, pages = {443}, publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Ci\^encia do Solo}, title = {Altera{\c c}\~oes qualitativas da mat\'eria org\^anica e os fatores determinantes da sua estabilidade num solo podz\'olico vermelho-escuro em diferentes sistemas de manejo}, year = {1997}} @manual{abntex2cite, annote = {Este documento {\'e} derivado do \cite{abnt-bibtex-doc}}, author = {Lauro C{\'e}sar Araujo}, organization = {Equipe abnTeX2}, title = {O pacote abntex2cite: Estilos bibliogr{\'a}ficos compat{\'i}veis com a ABNT NBR 6023}, url = {https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/abntex2/doc/abntex2cite.pdf}, year = {2018}} @manual{abntex2cite-alf, annote = {Este documento {\'e} derivado do \cite{abnt-bibtex-alf-doc}}, author = {Lauro C{\'e}sar Araujo}, organization = {Equipe abnTeX2}, title = {O pacote abntex2cite: t{\'o}picos espec{\'i}ficos da ABNT NBR 10520:2002 e o estilo bibliogr{\'a}fico alfab{\'e}tico (sistema autor-data)}, url = {https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/abntex2/doc/abntex2cite-alf.pdf}, year = {2018}} @manual{abntex2classe, author = {Lauro C\'esar Araujo}, organization = {Equipe abnTeX2}, title = {A classe abntex2: Documentos t\'ecnicos e cient\'ificos brasileiros compat\'iveis com as normas ABNT}, url = {https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/abntex2/doc/abntex2.pdf}, year = {2018}} @manual{metodista, address = {S\~ao Bernardo do Campo}, organization = {Universidade Metodista de S\~ao Paulo}, org-short = {Metodista}, title = {Biblioteca Dr. Jalmar Bowden}, subtitle = {Manual de refer\^encia}, url = {http://portal.metodista.br/biblioteca/servicos/manual-de-referencias}, urlaccessdate = {5 set. 2024}, year = {$\lbrack$2015?$\rbrack$}} @manual{memoir, address = {Normandy Park, WA}, author = {Peter Wilson and Lars Madsen}, organization = {The Herries Press}, title = {The Memoir Class for Configurable Typesetting -- User Guide}, url = {https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/memoir/memman.pdf}, year = {2024}} @manual{NBR10520:2002, address = {Rio de Janeiro}, organization = {Associa{\c c}\~ao Brasileira de Normas T\'ecnicas}, org-short = {ABNT}, pages = {7}, title = {{NBR} 10520}, subtitle = {Informa{\c c}\~ao e documenta{\c c}\~ao -- Apresenta{\c c}\~ao de cita{\c c}ões em documentos}, month = {08}, year = 2002} @manual{NBR10520:2023, address = {Rio de Janeiro}, note = {Substitui a Ref.~\citeonline{NBR10520:2002}}, organization = {Associa{\c c}\~ao Brasileira de Normas T\'ecnicas}, org-short = {ABNT}, pages = {23}, title = {{NBR} 10520}, subtitle = {Informa{\c c}\~ao e documenta{\c c}\~ao -- Cita{\c c}\~oes em documentos -- Apresenta{\c c}\~ao}, Month = {07}, Year = 2023} @manual{NBR6024:2012, address = {Rio de Janeiro}, org-short = {ABNT}, organization = {Associa{\c c}\~ao Brasileira de Normas T\'ecnicas}, pages = {4}, title = {{NBR} 6024}, subtitle = {Numera{\c c}\~ao progressiva das se{\c c}ões de um documento}, month = {02}, year = 2012} @manual{NBR6023:2018, address = {Rio de Janeiro}, note = {Substitui a norma ABNT NBR 6023:2002}, org-short = {ABNT}, organization = {Associa{\c c}\~ao Brasileira de Normas T\'ecnicas}, pages = {74}, title = {{NBR} 6023}, subtitle = {Informa{\c c}\~ao e documenta{\c c}\~ao -- Refer\^encias -- Elabora{\c c}\~ao}, month = {11}, year = 2018} @mastersthesis{macedo2005, author = {Fl\'avia L. 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Morgado}, pages = {51}, pagename = {f.}, school = {Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade Camilo Castelo Branco}, title = {Reimplante dent\'ario}, type = {Especializa{\c c}\~ao}, year = {1990}} @phdthesis{guizzardi2005, address = {Enschede, The Netherlands}, author = {Giancarlo Guizzardi}, school = {Centre for Telematics and Information Technology, University of Twente}, title = {Ontological Foundations for Structural Conceptual Models}, year = {2005}} @TechReport{KrueBansBierDaziRash20, author = {Rico Krueger and Prateek Bansal and Michel Bierlaire and Ricardo Daziano and Taha Rashidi}, title = {Variational bayesian inference for mixed logit models with unobserved inter-and intra-individual heterogeneity}, institution = {Transport and Mobility Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique F\'ed\'erale de Lausanne}, year = {2020}, type = {Technical Report}, doi = {10.48550/arXiv.1905.00419}, address = {Lausanne, Switzerland}}