% textalpha.sty % +++++++++++++ % Greek symbols in text % ********************* % % :Version: 2.5 (changelog_) % % :Copyright: © 2010, 2023 Günter Milde % % :Licence: This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the `LaTeX Project Public License`_, either % version 1.3 of this license or any later version. % % :Abstract: Provide a set of LICR macros for Greek characters in text mode. % % % .. contents:: % % Motivation % ========== % % By default, TeX macros for Greek letters are only valid in mathematical % mode. This package sets up a suitable `font encoding`_ and `LaTeX internal % character representations` (LICR) definitions for Greek (``\textalpha`` -- % ``\textOmega``). % % To allow documents using Greek LICR macros without worrying about the TeX % engine used to compile them, this package tests the declared font encodings % and does "the right thing" to set up Greek text font support: % % * If an Unicode font encoding is declared by ``fontspec``, add Greek LICR % definitions. % % * Otherwise, the `LGR font encoding`_ is set as `default font encoding` % (cf. [fntguide]_ section 5.3) for Greek. % % Advantages: % % * Symbols from a Greek text font (e.g. the `CB fonts`_) can be accessed % without the need for an explicite font-encoding switch anywhere in the % text. % % * Unicode input of Greek characters is supported % % + via ``\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}`` and ``lgrenc.dfu`` from % greek-inputenc_ for 8-bit TeX or XeTeX/LuaTeX in 8-bit compatibility % mode in any font encoding (see textalpha-doc.tex_). % % + natively by XeTeX/LuaTeX for Unicode fonts. % % If 8-bit font encodings like LGR are used alongside Unicode fonts, text % input can be done via the Latin transliteration or LICR but *not via % literal Unicode characters* (see test-tuenc-greek.tex_). % % .. _limitations: % % .. Attention:: The macros work well in any font encoding for single symbols. % However, with 8-bit TeX engines, the automatic font-encoding switches % behind the doors interfere with kerning between letters and replacement % of accent+character with a pre-composed character. % % Therefore, Greek text should be written with the help of babel_ or % polyglossia_ (setting the language to ``greek``) or wrapped in the % provided ``ensuregreek`` macro. Using babel_ or polyglossia_ also helps % to ensure correct hyphenation and upcasing of Greek text. % % % Usage % ===== % % Ensure support for Greek characters in text mode with % % .. code:: latex % % \usepackage{textalpha} % % eventually with the options to `normalize symbols variants`_ % % .. code:: latex % % \usepackage[normalize-symbols]{textalpha} % % and/or to `use the semicolon as erotimatiko`_ also in 8-bit TeX % % .. code:: latex % % \usepackage[normalize-symbols,keep-semicolon]{textalpha} % % % To give ``textalpha.sty`` a chance of finding out which `font encodings`_ % are used, load it after fontspec_ and/or fontenc_. % % Documentation % ============= % % A HTML rendering of the literal source is available as % `<textalpha.sty.html>`_ (you may be reading it just now). % % For detailed examples see `<textalpha-doc.tex>`_ and `<textalpha-doc.pdf>`_ % (8-bit TeX and XeTeX/LuaTeX in 8-bit compatibility mode) as well as % `<test-tuenc-greek.tex>`_ and `<test-tuenc-greek.pdf>`_ (XeTeX/LuaTeX with % Unicode fonts). % % With XeTeX or LuaTex, Unicode fonts and LGR encoded 8-bit fonts can be used % in the same document (see test-tuenc-greek.tex_). % % % Implementation % ============== % % Identification % -------------- % :: \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{textalpha}[2023-09-12 2.5 macros for Greek letters in text] % Options % ------- % % .. _normalize symbols variants: % % normalize-symbols % """"""""""""""""" % % The "variant shape" symbol characters like ``03D1 GREEK THETA SYMBOL`` are % mathematical charcters for mathematical use % (similar to ``1D440 MATHEMATICAL ITALIC CAPITAL M``). % Unfortunately, some Greek texts sources in Unicode encoding mix letter and % symbol characters . % % The "normalize-symbols" option controls the handling of `variant shape % symbols`_ under 8-bit TeX: % % * The option activates a simple "folding" mechanism that merges ϰ and κ to % \textkappa etc. for text copied from external sources which may use the % GREEK SYMBOL characters in place of GREEK LETTERS, % % * Without this option, variant shape symbols in the input are reported as % errors to prevent information loss in cases where the distinction between % ϰ and κ is intended (e.g. in mathematical or scientific context). % % With XeTeX/LuaTeX and Unicode fonts, this option is ignored. % :: \newif\iftextalpha@normalizeSymbols \DeclareOption{normalize-symbols}{\textalpha@normalizeSymbolstrue} % .. _use the semicolon as erotimatiko: % % keep-semicolon % """""""""""""" % % The erotimatiko_ looks like a semicolon but is a % **Greek question mark**: % % * The `LGR font encoding`_ uses the Latin question mark as input for the % `erotimatiko` and maps the semicolon to a middle dot (`ano teleia`). % * The Unicode standard provides the code point ``037E GREEK QUESTION MARK`` % but says: "character ``003B SEMICOLON`` (and not 037E) is the preferred % character for Greek question mark". % % The ``keep-semicolon`` option allows to use the `semicolon as erotimatiko`_ % in both, Xe/LuaTeX and 8-bit TeX. (The `ano teleia` can be input as % ``\textanoteleia`` or using character ``00B7 MIDDLE DOT``.) % With XeTeX/LuaTeX and Unicode fonts, this option is ignored. % :: \newif\iftextalpha@keepSemicolon \DeclareOption{keep-semicolon}{\textalpha@keepSemicolontrue} \ProcessOptions\relax % Symbol macros for breathings % ---------------------------- % % In the Latin transliteration provided by LGR, breathing accents (Dasia and % Psili) are input as < and >. Provide the corresponding NFSS macro accents. % (Used below for LGR, TU, and PU, if these font encodings are defined):: \providecommand*{\IfFormatAtLeastTF}[3]{#3} % new in 2020 \newcommand{\textalpha@define@breathings}[1]{ \DeclareTextCommand{\<}{#1}{\accdasia} \DeclareTextCommand{\>}{#1}{\accpsili} % Composite accents starting with the new-defined shortcuts: \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\>}{#1}{'}{\accpsilioxia} \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\>}{#1}{`}{\accpsilivaria} \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\>}{#1}{~}{\accpsiliperispomeni} \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\<}{#1}{'}{\accdasiaoxia} \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\<}{#1}{`}{\accdasiavaria} \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\<}{#1}{~}{\accdasiaperispomeni} \IfFormatAtLeastTF{2022/06/01}{}{% else \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\<}{#1}{^^9f}{\LGR@hiatus} \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\>}{#1}{^^9f}{\LGR@hiatus} } % Also define "mixed" composites (required due to the fix for % ``\MakeUppercase`` below:: % \MakeUppercse: \>~a, \<~a % \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\accpsili}{#1}{~}{\accpsiliperispomeni} % \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\accdasia}{#1}{~}{\accdasiaperispomeni} } % Fix 2022 \MakeUppercase:: \ifdefined\DeclareCaseChangeEquivalent % new in 2023 \DeclareCaseChangeEquivalent{\<}{\CaseSwitch{\<}{\LGR@accdropped}{\<}{\<}} \DeclareCaseChangeEquivalent{\>}{\CaseSwitch{\>}{\LGR@hiatus}{\>}{\>}} \fi % .. _font encoding: % % Font encodings % -------------- % % With 8-bit LaTeX, the `LGR font encoding`_ is used for Greek characters. If % no Greek-supporting font encoding (TU or LGR) is declared, LGR is % loaded and set up as default Greek font encoding by this package. % % With XeTeX or LuaTeX, there is one common input and font encoding -- % Unicode. 8-bit TeX font encodings are only used in compatibility mode or for % fonts not available otherwise. For compatibility with the LaTeX font % selection system, fontspec_ defines the TU font encoding. However % `fontspec` does not define Greek LICR macros. We therefore explicitely % load Greek LICR definitions for XeTeX/LuaTeX from `tuenc-greek.def % <tuenc-greek.def.html>`_ which in turn includes `greek-fontenc.def % <greek-fontenc.def.html>`_. % % .. _LGR font encoding: README.html#lgr % % Ensure a Greek-supporting font encoding exists and supports Greek LICR % macros:: \ifdefined \UnicodeEncodingName % set by LaTeX for Unicode-aware engines \input{tuenc-greek.def} \textalpha@define@breathings{\UnicodeEncodingName} \else \@ifl@aded{def}{lgrenc} {} {\input{lgrenc.def} } \fi % LGR may also be used in a document compiled with Xe/LuaTeX % (enables use of 8-bit TeX fonts and input via the Latin transliteration). % Add setup for breathings:: \@ifl@aded{def}{lgrenc} {\textalpha@define@breathings{LGR}} {} % The package hyperref_ defines the PU font encoding and adds some % LICR commands for monotonic Greek (in punenc-greekbasick.def). % Add support for polytonic Greek, archaic symbols, % and the ``\greekscript`` and ``\ensuregreek`` TextCommands:: \AtBeginDocument{ \@ifl@aded{def}{puenc} {\@ifl@aded{def}{puenc-greek} {}% already loaded (e.g. by babel-greek) {\edef\RestoreAtCatcode{\catcode`@=\the\catcode`@\relax}% \makeatletter \input{puenc-greek.def} \RestoreAtCatcode }% \textalpha@define@breathings{PU} \pdfstringdefDisableCommands{\let\TextOrMath\@firstoftwo} } {} } % The TS1 font encoding (available by default since 2022) provides a % MICRO SIGN under the name ``\textmu`` but we use this name for the % GREEK SMALL LETTER MU. % The new macro ``\textmicro`` selects the character from TS1 fonts % and is not capitalised with ``\MakeUppercase``:: \DeclareTextSymbol{\textmicro}{TS1}{181} % micro sign \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textmicro}{TS1} % Use it for the MICRO SIGN character:: \ifdefined\DeclareUnicodeCharacter \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{00B5}{\textmicro} % micro sign \fi % Default declarations % -------------------- % % The following definitions ensure that the Greek LICR macros can be used % anywhere in the document also with 8-bit TeX by declaring LGR as their % default font encoding. Abort here, if the LGR font encoding is not defined:: \@ifl@aded{def}{lgrenc}{}{ % else return: \expandafter\endinput } % greekscript, ensuregreek % """""""""""""""""""""""" % % The ``\greekscript`` declaration ensures the current font encoding supports % the Greek script. ``greek-fontenc.def`` sets this to the empty declaration % for font encodings that do so. This is currently used by ``lgrenc.def`` % (LGR) and ``tuenc-greek.def`` (Greek LICR macros for TU, EU1, or EU2). % % % We define LGR as default encoding for Greek text. We use % ``\ProvideTextCommandDefault`` to enable the author or other packages to use % an alternative definition (see [fntguide_]):: \ProvideTextCommandDefault{\greekscript}{\fontencoding{LGR}\selectfont \def\encodingdefault{LGR}} % The ``\ensuregreek`` command can be used to ensure that its argument is set in % a font encoding with support for Greek. Again the default is LGR:: \ProvideTextCommandDefault{\ensuregreek}[1]{\leavevmode{\greekscript #1}} % .. The [fntguide_] writes % % Note that ``\DeclareTextAccentDefault`` can be used on any % one-argument encoding-specific command, not just those defined with % ``\DeclareTextAccent``. % % However, the simpler alternative % ``\DeclareTextAccentDefault{\ensuregreek}{LGR}`` fails with the table of % Unicode characters in the test document `<textalpha-doc.tex>`__: % % ``! You can't use a prefix with `end-group character }'.`` % % Eventually, all font encodings supporting Greek script (e.g. LGI, PU, TU) % will declare ``\ensuregreek`` as text command that passes the % argument unchanged. This way, kerning and selection of precomposed glyphs % would work also for cases like ``\ensuregreek{\'A}U``. % % % Greek Alphabet % """""""""""""" % % Define the ``text*`` marcos as default for all font encodings:: \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textAlpha}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textBeta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textGamma}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textDelta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textEpsilon}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textZeta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textEta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textTheta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textIota}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textKappa}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textLambda}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textMu}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textNu}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textXi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textOmicron}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textPi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textRho}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textSigma}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textTau}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textUpsilon}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textPhi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textChi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textPsi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textOmega}{LGR} % \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textalpha}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbeta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textgamma}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdelta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textepsilon}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textzeta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\texteta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\texttheta}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textiota}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textkappa}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textlambda}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textmu}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textmugreek}{LGR} % (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textnu}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textxi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textomicron}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textpi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textrho}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textsigma}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textfinalsigma}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textvarsigma}{LGR} % alias for \textfinalsigma \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textautosigma}{LGR} % char 115 in LGR \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\texttau}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textupsilon}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textphi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textchi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textpsi}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textomega}{LGR} % Additional Greek symbols % """""""""""""""""""""""" % % Including alias names for compatibility with hyperref's puenc.def. % % Ancient Greek Numbers (Athenian Numerals):: \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textpentedeka}{LGR} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIFTY \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textpentehekaton}{LGR} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIVE HUNDRED \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textpenteqilioi}{LGR} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIVE THOUSAND \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textpentemurioi}{LGR} % GREEK ACROPHONIC ATTIC FIFTY THOUSAND % Archaic letters:: \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textstigma}{LGR} % ϛ \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textstigmagreek}{LGR} % ϛ (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textvarstigma}{LGR} % stigma variant (no separate Unicode character) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textkoppa}{LGR} % ϟ Greek small letter koppa \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textkoppagreek}{LGR} % ϟ (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textKoppa}{LGR} % ϟ Greek letter koppa (numeral koppa) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textKoppagreek}{LGR} % ϟ (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textqoppa}{LGR} % ϙ (archaic koppa) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textQoppa}{LGR} % Ϙ (archaic Koppa) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textStigma}{LGR} % Ϛ ϹΤ ligature in some fonts \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textStigmagreek}{LGR} % Ϛ (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textSampi}{LGR} % Ϡ \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textSampigreek}{LGR} % Ϡ (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textsampi}{LGR} % ϡ \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textsampigreek}{LGR} % ϡ (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textanoteleia}{LGR} % · \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\texterotimatiko}{LGR} % ; (003B is the preferred character) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdigamma}{LGR} % ϝ \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textDigamma}{LGR} % Ϝ \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdigammagreek}{LGR} % ϝ (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textDigammagreek}{LGR} % Ϝ (puenc.def) % numeral signs: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_numerals :: \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textdexiakeraia}{LGR} % ʹ (Dexia keraia) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textnumeralsigngreek}{LGR} % (puenc.def) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textaristerikeraia}{LGR} % ͵ (Aristeri keraia) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textnumeralsignlowergreek}{LGR} % (puenc.def) % variant shape symbols % ''''''''''''''''''''' % % Mathematical notation uses variant shapes of some Greek letters as % additional symbols. There are separate code points for the symbol variants % in Unicode but not in the LGR font encoding used for Greek in 8-bit TeX. % The variations have no syntactic meaning in Greek text. :: \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textbetasymbol}{LGR} % ϐ GREEK BETA SYMBOL \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textthetasymbol}{LGR} % ϑ $\vartheta$ GREEK THETA SYMBOL \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textphisymbol}{LGR} % ϕ $\phi$ GREEK PHI SYMBOL \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textpisymbol}{LGR} % ϖ $\varpi$ GREEK PI SYMBOL \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textkappasymbol}{LGR} % ϰ GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textrhosymbol}{LGR} % ϱ $\varrho$ GREEK RHO SYMBOL \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textThetasymbol}{LGR} % ϴ GREEK CAPITAL THETA SYMBOL \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\textepsilonsymbol}{LGR} % ϵ $\epsilon$ GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL % Define compatibility mappings if the normalize-symbols_ option is set:: \iftextalpha@normalizeSymbols \DeclareTextCommand{\textbetasymbol} {LGR}{\textbeta} \DeclareTextCommand{\textthetasymbol} {LGR}{\texttheta} \DeclareTextCommand{\textphisymbol} {LGR}{\textphi} \DeclareTextCommand{\textpisymbol} {LGR}{\textpi} \DeclareTextCommand{\textkappasymbol} {LGR}{\textkappa} \DeclareTextCommand{\textrhosymbol} {LGR}{\textrho} \DeclareTextCommand{\textThetasymbol} {LGR}{\textTheta} \DeclareTextCommand{\textepsilonsymbol}{LGR}{\textepsilon} \fi % Diacritics % """""""""" % % Greek diacritics via "named" macros:: \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdasia}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accpsili}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\acctonos}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accoxia}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accvaria}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accperispomeni}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdialytika}{LGR} % \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdasiaoxia}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdasiavaria}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdasiaperispomeni}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accpsilioxia}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accpsilivaria}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accpsiliperispomeni}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdialytikatonos}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdialytikavaria}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accdialytikaperispomeni}{LGR} % Symbol macros for the breathings:: \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\<}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\>}{LGR} % Postfix accents:: \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\ypogegrammeni}{LGR} % subscript mute iota (combining) \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\prosgegrammeni}{LGR} % adscript mute iota (spacing) % Other accents in LGR:: \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accinvertedbrevebelow}{LGR} % INVERTED BREVE BELOW \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\textsubarch}{LGR} % tipa, Teubner name: ut \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\accbrevebelow}{LGR} % BREVE BELOW % Auxiliary macros % """""""""""""""" % % ``\MakeUppercase`` requires four internal commands:: \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\LGR@accdropped}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\LGR@accDialytika}{LGR} \DeclareTextAccentDefault{\LGR@hiatus}{LGR} \DeclareTextSymbolDefault{\LGR@ypogegrammeni}{LGR} % semicolon as erotimatiko % """""""""""""""""""""""" % % The text command ``\textsemicolon`` inserts ``\texterotimatiko`` % in LGR font encoding and a "normal" semicolon else. % In math mode, it inserts the "normal" semicolon also if the text font % encoding is LGR:: \ProvideTextCommandDefault{\textsemicolon}{;} \ProvideTextCommand{\textsemicolon}{LGR}{\texterotimatiko} % The LGR font encoding maps ";" to a middle dot (ano teleia). With the % keep-semicolon_ option, the semicolon is made an active character and calls % ``\textsemicolon``:: \iftextalpha@keepSemicolon \catcode`;=\active \newcommand{;}{\TextOrMath{\textsemicolon}{\char59}} \fi % TODO % ==== % % * Load ``lgrenc.def`` rsp. ``tuenc-greek.def`` after the common definitions % and after ``puenc-greek.def``? % % If an encoding-specific command is defined for more than one encoding, % then it will execute fastest in the encoding in which it was defined % last since its top-level definition will be set up to execute in that % encoding without any overhead. % % ... % % For the same reason default declarations should never come last since % they are implemented as a special encoding themselves (with the name "?"). % Specifying them last would simply mean to make those encoding-specific % commands equally inefficient in all encodings. % % -- source2e.pdf, chapter "ltoutenc.dtx", % subsection "The order of declarations". % % % Changelog % ========= % % .. class:: borderless % % ====== =========== ======================================================== % 0.1 2010-06-16 initial version % 0.2 2012-06-27 support for compound Unicode definitions outside LGR % 0.3 2013-05-03 new accent macro names with ``lgrxenc.def`` 0.7 % 0.4 2013-05-28 use ``lgrenc.def`` from greek-fontenc. % 0.5 2013-09-11 move to greek-fontenc_, % .. support XeTeX/LuaTeX, add breve below accents. % 0.11 2013-11-28 compatibility with Xe/LuaTeX in 8-bit mode. % 0.12 2014-12-12 fix auxiliary macro names, % define symbol macros for breathing accents. % 0.13 2015-09-04 Option normalize-symbols_: support for symbol variants. % .. Option keep-semicolon_: use semicolon as erotimatiko % in LGR. % 0.13.2 2016-02-05 Support for standard Unicode text font encoding "TU" % (new in fontspec v2.5a). % 0.13.4 2019-07-11 Auxiliary command for subscript iota. % 0.14 2020-02-28 Update test for Unicode fonts. % Rename ``greek-euenc`` to ``tuenc-greek``. % Don't use ``\LastDeclaredEncoding``. % 1.0 2020-09-25 Also set ``\encodingdefault`` with ``\greekscript``. % 2.0 2020-10-30 Load ``tuenc-greek.def`` with Xe/LuaTeX by default. % .. Load ``puenc-greek.def`` if used with `hyperref`_. % 2.2 2023-02-28 Don't use ``\makeatother`` in ``\AtBeginDocument``. % 2.2.1 2023-03-08 Documentation update. % 2.2.2 2023-03-17 Don't map active `;` to ``\textsemicolon`` in math mode. % 2.4 2023-08-16 Map character 00B5 MICRO SIGN to ``\textmicro``. % .. Fix upcasing of Greek letters with ``\<`` and ``\>``. % 2.5 2023-09-12 Support the ``\accoxia`` alias. % ====== =========== ======================================================== % % % .. References % ---------- % .. _LaTeX Project Public License: http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % .. _CB fonts: https://ctan.org/pkg/cbgreek-complete % .. _babel: https://ctan.org/pkg/babel % .. _e-TeX: http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=etex % .. _fontenc: https://ctan.org/pkg/fontenc % .. _fontspec: https://ctan.org/pkg/fontspec % .. _fntguide: https://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/base/fntguide.pdf % .. _greek-fontenc: https://ctan.org/pkg/greek-fontenc % .. _greek-inputenc: https://ctan.org/pkg/greek-inputenc % .. _hyperref: https://ctan.org/pkg/hyperref % .. _inputenc: https://ctan.org/pkg/inputenc % .. _polyglossia: https://ctan.org/pkg/polyglossia % .. _textgreek: https://ctan.org/pkg/textgreek % .. _xunicode: https://ctan.org/pkg/xunicode % % .. _erotimatiko: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_mark#Erotimatiko