#pragma once #include "LibLsp/JsonRpc/RequestInMessage.h" #include "LibLsp/JsonRpc/lsResponseMessage.h" #include #include #include "WorkspaceSymbolParams.h" #include "LibLsp/lsp/method_type.h" #include "LibLsp/lsp/textDocument/code_action.h" #include "LibLsp/lsp/lsFormattingOptions.h" namespace RefactorProposalUtility { extern char const* APPLY_REFACTORING_COMMAND_ID; extern char const* EXTRACT_VARIABLE_ALL_OCCURRENCE_COMMAND; extern char const* EXTRACT_VARIABLE_COMMAND; extern char const* EXTRACT_CONSTANT_COMMAND; extern char const* EXTRACT_METHOD_COMMAND; extern char const* EXTRACT_FIELD_COMMAND; extern char const* CONVERT_VARIABLE_TO_FIELD_COMMAND; extern char const* MOVE_FILE_COMMAND; extern char const* MOVE_INSTANCE_METHOD_COMMAND; extern char const* MOVE_STATIC_MEMBER_COMMAND; extern char const* MOVE_TYPE_COMMAND; }; // namespace RefactorProposalUtility struct RenamePosition { lsDocumentUri uri; int offset = 0; int length = 0; void swap(RenamePosition& arg) noexcept { uri.swap(arg.uri); std::swap(offset, arg.offset); std::swap(length, arg.length); } }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(RenamePosition, uri, offset, length); struct GetRefactorEditParams { std::string command; std::vector commandArguments; lsCodeActionParams context; optional options; MAKE_SWAP_METHOD(GetRefactorEditParams, command, context, options); }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(GetRefactorEditParams, command, context, options); struct RefactorWorkspaceEdit { /** * The workspace edit this code action performs. */ lsWorkspaceEdit edit; /** * A command this code action executes. If a code action provides a edit and a * command, first the edit is executed and then the command. */ optional errorMessage; optional command; MAKE_SWAP_METHOD(RefactorWorkspaceEdit, edit, command, errorMessage) }; MAKE_REFLECT_STRUCT(RefactorWorkspaceEdit, edit, command, errorMessage) DEFINE_REQUEST_RESPONSE_TYPE( java_getRefactorEdit, GetRefactorEditParams, RefactorWorkspaceEdit, "java/getRefactorEdit" );