Date: 20-MAR-1989 17:20:04 GMT From: PHYOKANE@CS8700.UCG.IE To: abbottp@ASTON.AC.UK Subject: file dvifile_p.h sender: hea"" /* -*-C-*- dvifile.h */ /*-->dvifile*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** dvifile *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void dvifile(argc,argv,filestr) int argc; /* argument count */ char* argv[]; /* argument strings */ char* filestr; /* DVI filename to process */ { #define PAGENUMBER(p) ((p) < 0 ? (page_count + 1 + (p)) : (p)) register INT16 i,j,m; /* loop indices */ register INT16 swap; /* swap storage */ register struct font_entry *p; INT16 m_begin,m_end,m_step; /* loop limits and increment */ INT16 list[3]; /* index list for sort */ char tempstr[MAXSTR]; /* temporary string storage */ int the_char; int s; int slot; int n_slots; int fontsize; int pfont_size; int pfont_n; struct font_entry *bigfont; struct printer_font *pptr; /* Establish the default font file search order. This is done here instead of in initglob() or option(), because both could set fontlist[]. By default, the search list contains names for the PK, GF, and PXL font files; that order corresponds to increasing size (and therefore, presumably, increasing processing cost) of font raster information. This search order may be overridden at run time by defining an alternate one in the environment variable FONTLIST; the order of the strings "PK", "GF", and "PXL" in that variable determines the search order, and letter case is NOT significant. The substrings may be separated by zero or more arbitrary characters, so the values "PK-GF-PXL", "PK GF PXL", "PKGFPXL", "PK;GF;PXL", "PK/GF/PXL" are all acceptable, and all choose the default search order. This flexibility in separator character choice is occasioned by the requirement on some systems that the environment variable have the syntax of a file name, or be a single "word". If any substring is omitted, then that font will be excluded from consideration. Thus, "GF" permits the use only of GF font files. The indexes gf_index, pk_index, and pxl_index are in -1 .. 2, and at least one must be non-negative. A negative index excludes that font file type from the search. */ /* Note that non-negative entries in list[] are UNIQUE. */ list[0] = gf_index = (INT16)strid2(fontlist,"GF"); list[1] = pk_index = (INT16)strid2(fontlist,"PK"); list[2] = pxl_index = (INT16)strid2(fontlist,"PXL"); for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) /* put list in non-decreasing order */ for (j = i+1; j < 3; ++j) if (list[i] > list[j]) { swap = list[i]; list[i] = list[j]; list[j] = swap; } for (i = 0; i < 3; ++i) /* assign indexes 0,1,2 */ if (list[i] >= 0) { if (list[i] == gf_index) gf_index = i; else if (list[i] == pk_index) pk_index = i; else if (list[i] == pxl_index) pxl_index = i; } if ((gf_index < 0) && (pk_index < 0) && (pxl_index < 0)) (void)fatal("dvifile(): FONTLIST does not define at least one of \ GF, PK, or PXL fonts"); (void)dviinit(filestr); /* initialize DVI file processing */ (void)devinit(argc,argv); /* initialize device output */ (void)readpost(); (void)FSEEK(dvifp, 14L, 0); /* position past preamble */ (void)getbytes(dvifp, tempstr, (BYTE)nosignex(dvifp,(BYTE)1)); /* flush DVI comment */ cur_page_number = 0; #if (HPLASERJET|HPJETPLUS|GOLDENDAWNGL100|POSTSCRIPT|IMPRESS|CANON_A2) /* print pages in reverse order because of laser printer */ /* page stacking */ if (backwards) { m_begin = 1; m_end = page_count; m_step = 1; } else /* normal device order */ { m_begin = page_count; m_end = 1; m_step = -1; } #else /* NOT (HPLASERJET|HPJETPLUS|GOLDENDAWNGL100|POSTSCRIPT|IMPRESS|CANON_A2) */ /* print pages in forward order for most devices */ if (backwards) { m_begin = page_count; m_end = 1; m_step = -1; } else { m_begin = 1; m_end = page_count; m_step = 1; } #endif /* (HPLASERJET|HPJETPLUS|GOLDENDAWNGL100|POSTSCRIPT|IMPRESS|CANON_A2) */ for (i = 0; i < npage; ++i) /* make page numbers positive */ { /* and order pairs non-decreasing */ page_begin[i] = PAGENUMBER(page_begin[i]); page_end[i] = PAGENUMBER(page_end[i]); if (page_begin[i] > page_end[i]) { swap = page_begin[i]; page_begin[i] = page_end[i]; page_end[i] = swap; } } /* First pass over pages and setup font download information */ for (m = m_begin; ; m += m_step) { for (i = 0; i < npage; ++i) /* search page list */ if ( IN(page_begin[i],m,page_end[i]) && (((m - page_begin[i]) % page_step[i]) == 0) ) { if (!quiet) /* start progress report */ (void)fprintf(stderr,"[%d", m); cur_page_number++;/* sequential page number 1..N */ cur_index = m-1; /* remember index globally */ checkpage(page_ptr[cur_index]); if (!quiet) /* finish progress report */ (void)fprintf(stderr,"] "); break; } if (m == m_end) /* exit loop after last page */ break; } if (!quiet) /* finish progress report */ (void)fprintf(stderr,"\n"); /* Initialize the printer fonts */ for (pf = FIRSTPRINTERFONT; pf <= LASTPRINTERFONT; pf++) { printer_fonts[pf].slots_free = 190; for (s = 0; s < 190; s++) { printer_fonts[pf].char_slots[s].tex_char = -1; printer_fonts[pf].char_slots[s].tex_font = NULL; } } /* Pack the TeX fonts into printer fonts WHILE there are unassigned TeX fonts select the largest TeX font if possible assign all of the TeX font to the FIRST SMALLEST SPACE free in the printer fonts else find the FIRST LARGEST SPACE free and assign as much of the TeX font as will fit */ do { /* First....find the largest TeX font left....*/ fontsize = 0; bigfont = NULL; fontptr = hfontptr; while ((fontptr != (struct font_entry *)NULL)) { if ((fontptr->used_chars - fontptr->assigned_chars) > fontsize) { fontsize = fontptr->used_chars - fontptr->assigned_chars; bigfont = fontptr; } fontptr = fontptr->next; } if (bigfont == NULL) break; /* All TeX fonts assigned */ fontptr = bigfont; fontsize = (fontsize > 190) ? 190 : fontsize; /* Next... find a printer font to put it in.... */ pfont_size = 1000; for (pf = FIRSTPRINTERFONT; pf <= LASTPRINTERFONT; pf++) { if ((printer_fonts[pf].slots_free >= fontsize) && (printer_fonts[pf].slots_free < pfont_size)) { pfont_size = printer_fonts[pf].slots_free; pfont_n = pf; } } /* ...if there is no big slot then split this font... */ /* putting the first bit into the bigest free slot */ if (pfont_size > 190) { pfont_size = 0; for (pf = FIRSTPRINTERFONT; pf <= LASTPRINTERFONT; pf++) { if (printer_fonts[pf].slots_free > pfont_size) { pfont_size = printer_fonts[pf].slots_free; pfont_n = pf; } } } if (pfont_size == 0) (void)fatal( "dvifile(): Need more printer fonts"); pf = pfont_n; /* Printer font number pf has pfont_size slots available to take characters from TeX font fontptr */ (void)fprintf(stderr, "[Assigning %d characters from %s (mag = %g) to printer font %d]\n", (fontsize <= pfont_size) ? fontsize : pfont_size, fontptr->n,(fontptr->font_mag)/1500.0,pf); for (the_char = FIRSTPXLCHAR; the_char <= LASTPXLCHAR; the_char++) { if (printer_fonts[pf].slots_free == 0) break; if (fontptr->ch[the_char].isloaded == FALSE) /* Not used */ continue; if (fontptr->ch[the_char].lj_font != 65535)/* Already assigned */ continue; slot = 190 - printer_fonts[pf].slots_free--; printer_fonts[pf].char_slots[slot].tex_char = the_char; printer_fonts[pf].char_slots[slot].tex_font = fontptr; fontptr->ch[the_char].lj_char = slot; fontptr->ch[the_char].lj_font = pf; fontptr->assigned_chars++; } if ( printer_fonts[pf].slots_free == pfont_size ) /* Nothing happened !!!*/ fontptr->assigned_chars = fontptr->used_chars;/* Zero size font ?? */ } while (TRUE); /* .... and finally download the fonts to the printer.... */ for (pf = FIRSTPRINTERFONT; pf <= LASTPRINTERFONT; pf++) { pptr = &printer_fonts[pf]; if (pptr->slots_free == 190) continue; slot = 0; n_slots = 190 - pptr->slots_free; (void)fprintf(stderr,"[Loading printer font %d with %d characters]\n", pf,n_slots); (void)makefont(pptr,n_slots); do { fontptr = pptr->char_slots[slot].tex_font; while ( (slot < n_slots) && (pptr->char_slots[slot].tex_font == fontptr) ) { loadchar(pptr->char_slots[slot].tex_char,MAP_CHAR(slot)); ++slot; } } while ( slot < n_slots ); } #if (HPJETPLUS | POSTSCRIPT | IMPRESS | CANON_A2) pf = -1; #endif /* Finally pass over pages and print them */ for (m = m_begin; ; m += m_step) { for (i = 0; i < npage; ++i) /* search page list */ if ( IN(page_begin[i],m,page_end[i]) && (((m - page_begin[i]) % page_step[i]) == 0) ) { if (!quiet) /* start progress report */ (void)fprintf(stderr,"[%d", m); cur_page_number++;/* sequential page number 1..N */ cur_index = m-1; /* remember index globally */ prtpage(page_ptr[cur_index]); if (!quiet) /* finish progress report */ (void)fprintf(stderr,"] "); break; } if (m == m_end) /* exit loop after last page */ break; } (void)devterm(); /* terminate device output */ (void)dviterm(); /* terminate DVI file processing */ }