system environment/base

yum-conf - RPM installer/updater config files

License: GPL
Configuration files to setup yum.conf, as well as setup yum in you daily cron.


yum-conf-41-10.LTS.noarch [14 KiB] Changelog by Troy Dawson (2005-12-28):
- Fixed the addon's part of the yum.cron
yum-conf-41-9.LTS.noarch [14 KiB] Changelog by Troy Dawson (2005-12-21):
- Renamed all the repo's to be more logical
- put in change for yumex config file
- Added testing repository
yum-conf-41-8.LTS.noarch [13 KiB] Changelog by Troy Dawson (2005-11-30):
- Changed everything to work with the yum 2.4

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