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Task Information

Function: mach_port_t mach_task_self ()
The mach_task_self system call returns the calling thread's task port.

mach_task_self has an effect equivalent to receiving a send right for the task port. mach_task_self returns the name of the send right. In particular, successive calls will increase the calling task's user-reference count for the send right.

As a special exception, the kernel will happily overrun the user reference count of the task name port, so that this function can not fail for that reason. Because of this, the user should not deallocate the port right if an overrun might have happened. Otherwise the reference count could drop to zero and the send right be destroyed while the user still expects to be able to use it. As the kernel does not make use of the number of extant send rights anyway, this is safe to do (the task port itself is not destroyed, even when there are no send rights anymore).

The funcion returns MACH_PORT_NULL if a resource shortage prevented the reception of the send right, MACH_PORT_NULL if the task port is currently null, MACH_PORT_DEAD if the task port is currently dead.

Function: kern_return_t task_threads (mach_port_t target_task, thread_array_t *thread_list, mach_msg_type_number_t *thread_count)
The function task_threads gets send rights to the kernel port for each thread contained in target_task. thread_list is an array that is created as a result of this call. The caller may wish to vm_deallocate this array when the data is no longer needed.

The function returns KERN_SUCCESS if the call succeeded and KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT if target_task is not a task.

Function: kern_return_t task_info (mach_port_t target_task, int flavor, task_info_t task_info, mach_msg_type_number_t *task_infoCnt)
The function task_info returns the selected information array for a task, as specified by flavor. task_info is an array of integers that is supplied by the caller, and filled with specified information. task_infoCnt is supplied as the maximum number of integers in task_info. On return, it contains the actual number of integers in task_info. The maximum number of integers by any flavor is TASK_INFO_MAX.

The type of information returned is defined by flavor, which can be one of the following:

The function returns basic information about the task, as defined by task_basic_info_t. This includes the user and system time and memory consumption. The number of integers returned is TASK_BASIC_INFO_COUNT.
The function returns information about events for the task as defined by thread_sched_info_t. This includes statistics about virtual memory and IPC events like pageouts, pageins and messages sent and received. The number of integers returned is TASK_EVENTS_INFO_COUNT.
The function returns information about the total time for live threads as defined by task_thread_times_info_t. The number of integers returned is TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT.

The function returns KERN_SUCCESS if the call succeeded and KERN_INVALID_ARGUMENT if target_task is not a thread or flavor is not recognized. The function returns MIG_ARRAY_TOO_LARGE if the returned info array is too large for task_info. In this case, task_info is filled as much as possible and task_infoCnt is set to the number of elements that would have been returned if there were enough room.

Data type: struct task_basic_info
This structure is returned in task_info by the task_info function and provides basic information about the task. You can cast a variable of type task_info_t to a pointer of this type if you provided it as the task_info parameter for the TASK_BASIC_INFO flavor of task_info. It has the following members:

integer_t suspend_count
suspend count for task
integer_t base_priority
base scheduling priority
vm_size_t virtual_size
number of virtual pages
vm_size_t resident_size
number of resident pages
time_value_t user_time
total user run time for terminated threads
time_value_t system_time
total system run time for terminated threads
time_value_t creation_time
creation time stamp

Data type: task_basic_info_t
This is a pointer to a struct task_basic_info.

Data type: struct task_events_info
This structure is returned in task_info by the task_info function and provides event statistics for the task. You can cast a variable of type task_info_t to a pointer of this type if you provided it as the task_info parameter for the TASK_EVENTS_INFO flavor of task_info. It has the following members:

natural_t faults
number of page faults
natural_t zero_fills
number of zero fill pages
natural_t reactivations
number of reactivated pages
natural_t pageins
number of actual pageins
natural_t cow_faults
number of copy-on-write faults
natural_t messages_sent
number of messages sent
natural_t messages_received
number of messages received

Data type: task_events_info_t
This is a pointer to a struct task_events_info.

Data type: struct task_thread_times_info
This structure is returned in task_info by the task_info function and provides event statistics for the task. You can cast a variable of type task_info_t to a pointer of this type if you provided it as the task_info parameter for the TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO flavor of task_info. It has the following members:

time_value_t user_time
total user run time for live threads
time_value_t system_time
total system run time for live threads

Data type: task_thread_times_info_t
This is a pointer to a struct task_thread_times_info.

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