Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=nntpgafi - NNTP grep-n'-fetch-it utilities: Part01/02 Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/news/nntpstuff/nntpgafi Type=0 Text=
# File Name: nntpgafi
# File Size in BYTES: 102191
# Sender/Author/Poster: randall@slc.MENTORG.COM (Randall S. Krebs - LithoCAD)
# Subject: nntpgafi - NNTP grep-n'-fetch-it utilities: Part01/02
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
# Here are some perl scripts that I have found handy for accessing
# news articles from an NNTP news server.  The utilities are:
#      nntpgroups - display news groups which match a pattern
#      nntpgrep - search for articles matching a string pattern
#      nntpfetch - retrieve news articles which match a pattern
#      nntpcheck - check for unread news articles
EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=NNTP reader for Perl (source) Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/news/nntpstuff/ Type=0 Text=
# File Name:
# File Size in BYTES: 5017
# Sender/Author/Poster: (David Rensin)
# Subject: NNTP reader for Perl (source)
# Archived: Apr 29 02:16 1994
#  - by Dave Rensin #
# The following is the source to a news reader I wrote using Let
# me know what you think.
EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=aub - Automate UseNet Binaries Path=1/perlinfo/scripts/news/nntpstuff/aub Type=1 Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=dbzperl - news tools using dbzperl Path=1/perlinfo/scripts/news/nntpstuff/dbzperl Type=1 Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Name=nntptap Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/news/nntpstuff/nntptap Type=0 Text=
# File Name: nntptap
# File Size in BYTES: 7908
# Sender/Author/Poster: merlyn
# Subject: slurp a newsfeed
# Archived: Apr 6 1993
EndText= Text= ###################################################################### EndText= Path=0/perlinfo/scripts/news/nntpstuff/ Type=0 Text=
# File Name:
# File Size in BYTES: 7367
# Sender/Author/Poster: (Chris Lewis)
# Subject: snarf.p NNTP article retriever (was Re: how to search for unused UUCP system names?)
# Archived: Jun 17 1993
#	A simple NNTP article retrieval client.
# snarf.p is used to retrieve comp.mail.maps articles from an NNTP
# server into a directory.  Then, unpackmaps can be used to
# construct a uuwhere/paths database.
EndText= Text=
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