NAME Dist::Build::XS::PkgConfig - Dist::Build extension to use pkg-config. SYNOPSIS load_module('Dist::Build::XS'); load_module('Dist::Build::XS::PkgConfig'); add_xs( module => 'Foo::Bar', pkg_config => { library => 'tree-sitter', min_version => '0.6.3', }, ); DESCRIPTION This module is an extension of Dist::Build::XS, adding an additional argument to the add_xs function: pkg_config, allowing you to add flags to your build based on a pkg-config library file. This argument will either contain a hash, or a list of hashes. The hashes will contain the following entries: * library Mandatory. The name of the library you want to link to. * min_version The minimum version of the library. * static Also specify static libraries. It will add the appropriate arguments for that pkgmodule to the build. AUTHOR Leon Timmermans COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2024 by Leon Timmermans. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.